
10 ways OneFile makes training cheaper (and better)

No matter what type of training you deliver, OneFile is for you.

10 ways OneFile makes training cheaper (and better)

No matter what type of training you deliver, OneFile is for you.  

OneFile has a built-in eportfolio, learning journal, scorecard, course builder, reporting suite and CPD tracker – so it’s got everything you need to manage training. And it delivers tons of benefits – like increased engagement, higher achievement rates, better quality assurance and reduced costs. That’s why it’s already used by 700,000 users around the globe.  

So how exactly does OneFile make training cheaper and better? 

1. Reduced paper, printing and storage costs  

With OneFile, you don’t have to print worksheets, reports or assessments as everything is managed online. Instead of paper-based portfolios, learners create online eportfolios, so there’s no risk of folders being lost damaged or stolen – and you don’t have to find a place to store them.  

2. Improved productivity  

Learners love OneFile as they can use their phones to complete work anytime, anywhere on any device. Tutors can also complete more work in less time and manage larger caseloads without compromising quality. OneFile increases productivity across the board. 

3. Snap-and-sync evidence 

With OneFile, learners can use their smartphones to take photos, videos or audio recordings as evidence and upload it to their eportfolio account. Even if they don’t have an internet connection, they can use the OneFile offline app to snap evidence and then sync it to their account when they’re back online. It’s remote training without the Wi-Fi worries.  

4. Easy online content  

Printing worksheets and buying books is an expensive business – especially if you have hundreds or thousands of learners on programme. With OneFile, you can create your own learning content or import existing resources, so all your learners can access the content they need online – saving your centre thousands.  

5. Increased learner engagement 

With OneFile, learners take an active role in their development. They can collect their own evidence, evaluate their work and track their progression – helping them stay motivated throughout their course. In fact, OneFile increases learner engagement by 35%.  

6. All-in-one solution 

OneFile has everything you need to deliver, manage and track training. It’s an all-in-one solution, so you don’t have to spend money on multiple systems.  

7. Multimedia resources  

Everyone learns in different ways, and learners get the most of out their programme when they can learn in a way that suits them. That’s why OneFile has a range of multimedia resources – like videos, documents, quizzes and audio – to make training as effective as possible.  

8. Improved employer engagement  

With OneFile, it’s easy to work together as a team. Learners, tutors and employers can use OneFile to communicate, plan activities and evaluate learning – it’s the easy way to keep employers engaged.  

9. Access anytime, anywhere 

With OneFile, users can access the software anytime, anywhere, on any device. This means they can work at home, in the office or on the bus – so they can use their time efficiently and maximise productivity.  

10. Unprecedented ROI 

OneFile delivers unprecedented ROI in time, travel and cost savings. OneFile makes training easier for learners, tutors, employers and providers – that's why it’s already used by thousands of people around the globe.  


“OneFile saves our business tons of time and money” Dave Ambler, Siemens.  

To find out why so many people love OneFile, book a demo with a OneFile expert. 

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.