A graduation hat turned into a computer

Benefits of degree apprenticeships for universities

Over 25% of all apprenticeships delivered in the UK are at higher or degree level.

Benefits of degree apprenticeships for universities

A graduation hat turned into a computer

Since degree apprenticeships were introduced in 2015, they’ve taken higher education by storm. Today, over 25% of all apprenticeships delivered in the UK are at higher or degree level – equivalent to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

When you look at the benefits, it’s clear to see why degree apprenticeships have been such a success. They give learners the opportunity to get a degree, gain crucial work experience and get paid while they train – all without accruing student debt. And from an employer’s perspective, degree apprenticeships help them attract the best talent and develop the high-level skills they need in house.

When informed about degree apprenticeships, 61% of parents said they’d prefer for their children to do a degree apprenticeship rather than a traditional undergraduate course. The problem is, many parents and school leavers aren’t aware of the new approach. Degree apprenticeships are disrupting higher education – but outside the HE bubble, they’re still not getting the recognition they deserve.

More needs to be done to spread the word about degree apprenticeships – and that campaign starts here. Here are the top 5 benefits of degree apprenticeships for universities:

Access a new student market

Introducing degree apprenticeships gives universities the opportunity to expand their educational offering, increase their student population and access new income streams.

Business engagement

Degree apprenticeships bring universities and employers closer together – enhancing business engagement, increasing recruitment rates and building working partnerships for HEIs.

Fresh talent strategies

Employers are using degree apprentices to develop high-levels skills in house – to complement early talent development and upskill existing employees. Implementing degree apprenticeships aligns HEIs more closely with employer strategies.

Meet employer demand

Thanks to the apprenticeship levy and new standards, employers are more involved in apprenticeships than ever. This means degree apprenticeships are specifically designed to meet industry and employer demands and enhance productivity.

Social mobility

Degree apprenticeships attract students that wouldn’t usually enroll onto a traditional degree, allowing universities to diversify their student population, increase social mobility and help upskill the local workforce.

Degree apprenticeships are the future of higher education. They’re already proven to boost the UK economy and there are already over 100 degree apprenticeships available across a range of job roles – from engineering to digital marketing. Over 80 UK universities have already registered to deliver degree apprenticeships, and as the word spreads about the benefits degree apprenticeships bring to HEIs, more are expected to join the revolution.

To find out more about delivering degree apprenticeships, download your ultimate guide for HEIs. It covers everything you need to know about degree apprenticeships – from assessment to software.

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
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